This post was originally published on Network Computing
I know you just got in, and it’s late, but we need to have a talk. You know, that talk. You see, I noticed that your network operations are increasingly automated, according to the latest analysis of our annual research. Here’s a chart to prove that out.
I’m not surprised by this at all. As an organization progresses on its digital transformation journey, it matures in each of six key technical domains. One of them is, of course, the network. Part of that maturation process involves automation, which I notice you are doing more of. Don’t deny it; I looked in your network closet.
Security Posture Key Elements: Automation and APIs
So, here’s the thing I’m worried about—the security of the APIs you’re using to automate.
As you automate more and more, you’re not just using scripts that are initiated by human beings. You’re starting to pass that responsibility on to systems. Systems that are AI-driven. A significant percentage of the most digitally mature organizations—that’s dabblers and doers in our lingo—have systems that execute scripts based on conditions to make minor configuration changes and push policies that adjust delivery and security services.
And I suspect you’ve at least tried it, too.
I’m not surprised. After all,
— Read the rest of this post, which was originally published on Network Computing.