Building WPF GUIs in PowerShell: Beginner’s Guide

This post was originally published on IT Pro Today

Most of the GUI-based PowerShell scripts I have created rely on Windows Forms. However, Windows Forms has limitations, especially for more advanced GUI designs. In such cases, Windows Presentation Framework is a better choice.

While the Windows Presentation Framework (WPF) isn’t overly complex to learn, its approach to building GUIs differs significantly from Windows Forms. In this guide, I will show you the basics of creating a WPF-based GUI in PowerShell.

WPF vs. Windows Forms

One notable difference between Windows Forms and WPF is how you place GUI items on the window.

Windows Forms’ pixel-based coordinates

In Windows Forms, you typically position items using pixel-based coordinates relative to the window’s upper-left corner (exceptions exist). For example, to add a block of text to a Windows Form, you would create a label object and specify its location like this:

 $Label = New-Object Windows.Forms.Label $Label.Text = "Hello World" $Label.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point(100, 40) 

In this code example:

    The first line creates the label object.

    The second line defines the text to display (i.e., “Hello World”).

    The third line specifies the label’s position within the window.

    The code positions

    Read the rest of this post, which was originally published on IT Pro Today.

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