Land Barriers: How Zoning Regulations Could Stall Data Center Industry Expansion

This post was originally published on Data Center Knowledge

There are plenty of reasons to expect continued growth within the data center industry, where trends like AI have created a surge in demand for data center capacity. But there are also many potential challenges to that growth.

Some, like the sheer cost of building new facilities, the difficulty of sourcing sufficient power for them, and pushback from local communities, may be obvious.

Another potential obstacle to data center expansion that tends to receive less attention is zoning regulations and restrictions. Even in communities with little opposition to data center construction, zoning issues may impede the ability of data center operators to build new facilities.

As demand for AI continues to surge, zoning regulations are emerging as a critical factor that could influence the trajectory of data center expansion in the coming year and beyond.

What is Land Zoning, and How Does It Impact Commercial Properties?

Zoning refers to laws and regulations that determine how property may or may not be used. For example, a zoning law might aim to prevent the construction of a loud or aesthetically displeasing building near residences, whereas the same law might allow this type of building in an industrial area or brownfield site.

Zoning laws are typically established by local

Read the rest of this post, which was originally published on Data Center Knowledge.

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